OneAegis is an electronic IRB management system for IRB submissions, tracking, and retention of research protocols and research compliance documents. OneAegis is a fully web-based system that is accessible both on- and off-campus.
If you have trouble logging into OneAegis or navigating the process, please do not hesitate to contact our office at We are more than happy to assist or answer any questions that may arise.
OneAegis can be accessed at
You will use your ACOM email address and password to login by clicking on the large ACOM logo in the center.
If you do not have an ACOM account, please request a OneAegis account by email at Once you have been assigned a OneAegis login, you can sign in by selecting "use your OneAegis issued login click here" below the ACOM logo.
Once logged in, you will be directed to your Dashboard. This will show you all of your Projects, xForms, or Events:
You can begin entering a new project by selecting Click Here to Start a new IRB Initial Protocol Submission below Actions on the left side of the dashboard:
If you have an existing duplicate submission, you will get a warning that there is a submission currently in progress:
Under My Projects on the dashboard, you can view any study with which you are associated. You can go directly to the study by clicking on the project number.
To add collaborators such as a PI, Co-PI, or other team members so that they can view or edit the protocol submission, see the Adding Collaborators page.
Throughout the data entry process, you will see NOTES in red. These are to assist you with navigating as well as providing helpful information.
You can navigate through the sections of the protocol submission by selecting the drop-down menu at the top of the page:
After entering your protocol information, you will need to sign your submission by entering your password and clicking Next.
You will then see Form Completed and you will need to click Submit:
On the left of your screen you will see: Actions, Recent Items, and My Documents & Forms:
User Settings
The first time you log into OneAegis, please complete your user information. In the upper right corner, select your name.
Select Change My Profile to update your name, prefix, suffix, and degree information. Please update My Phone Number(s) and My Address(es) to provide your contact information.