Warning Signs of a Mental Illness
What a Mental Illness is:
What a Mental Illness is not:
National Crisis Lines:
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (For Veterans Crisis Line, Press 1)
National Alliance on Mental Illness: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
Text Lines:
Crisis Text Line: text "Hello" to 741-741
Veteran Crisis Text Line: text to 838-255
National Alliance on Mental Illness CrisisText Line: Text "NAMI" to 741-741
Online Counseling Services
Online counseling services are becoming increasingly more prevalent. They provide access to mental health services via phone (talk or text) or video chat.
Their Access-to-Care team is available 24/7, at 800-951-HELP (4357)
Residential Treatment Facilities
The Court Referral Program assists municipal and circuit courts with managing drug and alcohol use cases and manage the associated drug screenings for Houston County. Anger Management and Theft Alternative classes are also offered.
Location: 191 South Oates St., in Dothan, AL
SpectraCare's prevention services promote a variety of programs which provide education and awareness to communities in order to promote well-being and health living.
A complete list of local counseling and therapy resources can be found on Psychology Today