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Visible Body: Visible Body

Accessing Visible Body

From the Library homepage, click on Books @ Ovid under Books:


Click on Links in the blue bar across the top and then on Visible Body:


Once you're on the Visible Body page, click on the app you want:

We don't have access to Anatomy & Physiology, Physiology & Pathology, or Anatomy & Function.

Once you get to the app, click on the Launch button:


It will take a little while to start the first time so don't give up if it seems like it's taking a few minutes to start up!

Mobile Apps

Go to

Click the yellow button for Off CampusYou must use the Off Campus option or it won't work -- even if you are on campus!

Then click on the icon for the app you want to download:

Enter your email and click submit:

You will get an email verification code:

You will then get a username and password to use to download the app from the app store or Google Play.

Make sure you download the app that says "For Organizations Only" -- you don't want to download the one that costs money!!!

System Requirements

Visible Body's system requirements for Human Anatomy Atlas:

Ask a Librarian


Phone:  (334) 699-2266 ext. 4242

Inside ACOM, just dial 4242.

Text:  (334) 384-0868




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