GLBT National Hotline (888)843-4564 or
Fenway LGBT Helpline (Ages 25+) (888)340-4528
Trevor Project Suicide Prevention Helpline (866)4-U-TREVOR
Affirmations Helpline (800)398-GAYS
Trans Lifeline (877)565-8860
TTY Line (248)677-7235
25 and Under:
GLBT National Youth Talkline (800)246-PRIDE
Fenway Peer Listening Line (800)399-PEER
Trevor Youth Lifeline (866)488-7386
LGBT Health Awareness Week: Last week of March
LGBTQ History Month: October
LGBT Pride Month: June
National Coming Out Day: October 11
Transgender Day of Remembrance: November 20
Transgender Day of Visibility: March 31st
World AIDS Day: December 1
Phone: (334) 699-2266 ext. 4242
Inside ACOM, just dial 4242.
Text: (334) 384-0868